Saturday, February 28, 2015

Slice of Deathwatch Session 04

Due to both business and the longer than usual audio, this session took me two weeks to find the time to finish. Now to think of the plot of the next session in approximately 24 hours.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Slice of Deathwatch or Three

It's been a long time since I've updated this website, partially because work and a life can make it hard to get back to side projects, partially because of other distractions, such as my current side project; Slice of Deathwatch.

Slice of Deathwatch is me taking the recordings from Deathwatch RPG sessions and making still frames and text appear on the screen that are somewhat related to what is going on. Deathwatch is normally a combat heavy RPG set in the 40k universe where the players run genetically buffed Space Marines and fight various alien menaces. Slice of Deatwatch RPG sessions, however, are run completely on the idea of never engaging in a single combat and, instead, being as slice of lifeish as you can within this theme.

The playlist is Here and I've embedded the videos bellow.